Friday, January 29, 2010

National Lady Gaga Day and the land of Facebook fantasies

National Lady Gaga Day

Image from Wikimedia Commons.

I love Lady Gaga. In fact, I recently wrote an article about the top five reasons why I love Lady Gaga. I think she is a fabulous entertainer, an interesting person and a genuinely strong woman. However, when I first heard of National Lady Gaga Day, I thought that was a bit much — actually, way too much. A holiday for a woman who just released her first album less than two years ago? Her mainstream career has barely lasted longer than an installment loan!

This was before I realized that “National” part referred to Facebook Nation. Once I found out that National Lady Gaga Day only existed in the magical parallel universe that is Facebook, and not in the country that names days after people such as Martin Luther King, Jr., I felt like it was totally appropriate.

National Facebooking About Lady Gaga Day

I checked out the event invitation for National Lady Gaga Day, and found that already more than 105,000 fans had joined — before noon. These attendees, by clicking “will attend,” have pledged to “celebrate her! Dress like her, sing, dance, have themed parties, wear a kermit the frog jacket, ect. [sic] JUST HAVE FUN!”

Sounds like a good idea to me. It’s a much better idea than some of the others that were floated by me on my live feed today, one of which was to adopt a virtual alpaca.

Future of National Lady Gaga Day

If National Lady Gaga Day is celebrated faithfully in the United States of Facebook for, say, 25 years, perhaps it will qualify for consideration as a real holiday. But until then we won’t really know what Lady Gaga’s legacy will look like and whether it deserves to be celebrated.

In the meantime, I say go crazy sharing your love of Lady Gaga on Facebook. She brings a lot of happiness to a lot of people, and I’d rather read about people’s music-related joy than about which “Twilight” character you should date or which internal organ you are.


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