Friday, February 5, 2010

Tonight News 5/02/2010

1) Google to enlist NSA to ward off attacks

The world's largest Internet search company and the world's most powerful electronic surveillance organization are teaming up in the name of cybersecurity.

2) Biden, off message and spot-on

A defense of stimulus programs turns up the big hidden issue for the 2010 elections.

3) A deficit's demographics

A Nobel laureate economist points out a terrifying truth regarding age and health care.

4) Beneath the 'vegetative state,' scientists find some alert minds

Many of the patients were labeled with the same grim diagnosis: "vegetative state." Their head injuries, teams of specialists had concluded, condemned them to a netherworld -- alive yet utterly devoid of any awareness of the world around them.

5) Criticism of Obama on national security likely to remain big issue

The Obama administration is aggressively pushing back against Republican criticism of its handling of terrorism suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, sharpening a partisan debate about national security policy, which is likely to be a major issue throughout the midterm election year.

6) Rand Paul lights a fire under Kentucky GOP

LOUISVILLE -- Rand Paul believes he was born to lead the anti-establishment movement sweeping the GOP.

7) Tai Shan leaves the zoo for China

Tai Shan, the adolescent giant panda who has been a beloved symbol of Washington for the past four years, left town Thursday morning for China after a week of farewells and tearful goodbyes.

8) Obama's spirituality is largely private, but it's influential, advisers say

Every morning, sometimes as early as 5:30 a.m., a short religious passage comes across President Obama's BlackBerry, sent by one of his aides.

9) Children of dead CIA officers try to learn about their work

John F. Sullivan had always wondered about his mother, Leonor E. "Lee" Sullivan, a CIA secretary and translator who died in December at 70, and especially about the strange telephones in their Reston home in the late 1970s and '80s. The Spy Phones, as the family called them, looked like ordinary ...

10) Toyota problem surfaced in 2007

Federal regulators uncovered stark evidence that some Toyota cars accelerated unexpectedly more than two years ago. But neither the government's safety agency nor the automaker apparently recognized at the time how broad the dangers would turn out to be.


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