Monday, March 8, 2010

Morning Edition

Morning Edition

  1. Advisers Will Push Obama to Prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed in Tribunal
    Going against Attorney General Eric Holder's plan to try the Sept. 11 mastermind in a New York civilian court may be the key to securing the support needed to finally close Guantanamo Bay.
    Read original story in The Washington Post | Friday, March 5, 2010

  2. Man Opens Fire at Pentagon, Injures Two Officers
    The officers returned fire, killing the man before he could get past "the first line of defense for the Pentagon."
    Read original story in The Washington Post | Friday, March 5, 2010

  3. Rats Trained to Sniff Out Landmines
    Locals in Mozambique, only one of many countries afflicted by landmines, call them "Hero Rats," but nobody is willing to pay for their service.
    Read original story in BBC | Friday, March 5, 2010

  4. Supporters, Staff Leave Governor Paterson's Side
    Drowning in various charges and allegations, Governor Paterson needs his supporters now more than ever. But they're nowhere to be found.
    Read original story in Reuters | Friday, March 5, 2010

  5. China Commits to Increased Spending on Social Programs
    Chinese premier Wen Jiabao pledged, in an annual policy speech, to work towards closing the growing gap between rich and poor.
    Read original story in The Guardian | Friday, March 5, 2010

  6. How Do You Define Sex?
    A new study from the Kinsey Institute shows that there is no universal consensus.
    Read original story in The Huffington Post | Friday, March 5, 2010

  7. Police: Avoid Mexican Border Cities During Spring Break
    The Texas Department of Public Safety made the unprecedented decision to ask students not to visit the dangerous border cities to the south while away from school.
    Read original story in CNN | Friday, March 5, 2010

  8. House Passes $15 Billion Job Bill
    Already approved in the Senate, the bill is on its way to President Obama's desk just as new unemployment numbers come out.
    Read original story in The New York Times | Thursday, March 4, 2010

  9. Steele: "Our Donors Are Compassionate, Concerned Activists"
    And we would like them to continue giving us money.
    Read original story in Talking Points Memo | Thursday, March 4, 2010

  10. Obama Wants Reform Bill by March 18
    Gibbs says Congress is "on schedule" to hold final health care reform votes within two weeks, but the Post isn't buying it.
    Read original story in The Washington Post | Thursday, March 4, 2010

  11. Too-Detailed Status Update Scuttles Plans for Israeli Army Raid
    An elite unit of the IDF had to suspend a planned arrest operation after a soldier posted details of the plans on Facebook.
    Read original story in The Jerusalem Post | Thursday, March 4, 2010

  12. Bison Are No Longer at Home on the Range
    With the number of noncommercial bison herds down to 70, conservationists say it's time for a "second recovery" of the American bison.
    Read original story in Science Daily | Thursday, March 4, 201


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