Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mistrust in the eyes of rescued Haitian 'orphans'

The 33 children who were rescued from an alleged kidnapping by Americans who claimed to be missionaries, huddled together at an orphanage late Sunday outside Port-au-Prince, visibly mistrustful of adults.

Some of the 33 Haitian children, including a child of around 13 months (second left),  at the SOS Children's Village in Croix des Bouquets, outside of Port-au-Prince.
Some of the 33 Haitian children, including a child of around 13 months (second left), at the SOS Children's Village in Croix des Bouquets, outside of Port-au-Prince. Photo: AFP/Getty Images

A one-year old girl, dressed in red and surrounded by children aged four, five and seven, glared at adults who came to find out how she was doing. She firmly clutched the hands of a friend, who seemed to be about four years old, seated on a bench next to her.

The children were rescued from being illegally taken out of Haiti by Americans who say they belong to a US-based charity.

Patricia Vargas, the regional director of the orphan charity SOS Children, said that for legal reasons the children's identities cannot be revealed.

Vargas answered a call from Haitian authorities to meet the children, who were returned from the border with the neighbouring Dominican Republic, on Saturday.

"The majority of these children have families. Some of the older ones said their parents are alive, and some gave an address and phone numbers," said Vargas, a Costa Rican who is in charge of SOS Children's operations in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean.

Haitian police seized five men and five women with US passports, as well as two Haitians, as they tried to cross late Friday into the Dominican Republic carrying the children aboard a bus, Haitian authorities said.

The Haitian culture and communications minister, Marie Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, has said that the children had no documents.

While the children rested at the SOS Village, an oasis of sorts amid the widespread devastation in the Haitian capital, the one year old girl does not loosen the grip on her friend's hand. The older children take turns protecting her, sitting her on their laps and giving her warm hugs.

Inside the SOS Village scores of volunteers from countries including Chile, Guatemala and Costa Rica do not hide the shock of the news.

"Even if we had ... [suspected] that this was happening in Haiti after the earthquake, it is a shock," said SOS spokesman Georg Willeit, an Austrian.

Willeit takes visitors around one of the center's cabins, which is decorated like a home, but also makes sure that no outsider questions the children.

"Several of them were very scared last night," said Willeit.

Three young teenage girls were taking special care of "the baby," a girl about seven months old wearing a light-blue outfit and cap that arrived Saturday so malnourished and dehydrated that she spent the night in the hospital.

"The little girl has trouble eating. She does not know how to," said Willeit.

Haitian officials have given warning that child traffickers could take advantage of the chaos after the quake, and that legitimate adoption agencies may rush to take orphans before proper checks have been conducted.

The 7.0-magnitude quake on January 12 killed 170,000 people, made more than one million homeless and left many children vulnerable in the Americas' poorest nation.

Volunteers said that after the quake parents flocked to the orphanage carrying pictures to identify their children, hoping to find them there.

Nearly half of Haiti's population is under the age of 18, and children are seen at all hours in refugee camps and in the rubble-covered streets.

Some of the children may simply be out of parental sight, as mothers and fathers spend much of the day rushing from one place or another trying to get a donated tent, or some food and water.


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