Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Morning Brief: U.S. soldiers and children killed in Pakistan school bombing

Top news: A bomb planted outside a girls' school in the Lower Dir district of Pakistan Northwest Frontier Province killed three U.S. soldiers, three children and a Pakistani soldier on Wednesday. The Americans were part of a small group of troops working to train the Pakistani Frontier Corps, which is responsible for security in the volatile northwest.

They were reportedly on their way to attend the inauguration of a school built with U.S. humanitarian assistance when the bomb went off. More than 50 people were injured in the blast. No U.S. soldiers are formally stationed in Pakistan, though a number are involved in intelligence and training missions. That U.S. troops are involved in development assistance was not previously known.

The U.S. carried out its largest ever drone attack in Northwest Pakistan on Tuesday night with a 16-18 missile barrage in Waziristan that killed at least 10 people.

Gays in the military: At a hearing on Capitol Hill, both Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates advocated ending the U.S. military's "don't ask don't tell" policy.


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